Montes de Oca was born in Havana, Cuba in 1960. Montes de Oca is an autodidactic artist that started painting in 2006. His worked has been exhibited consistently since then.
October 2006 – Group Exhibit “Ecos de mis décimas”, in celebration of “Jornada Cucalambeana”, Museo Municipal de Playa.
August 2006 – Group Exhibit “1er encuentro comunitario de las artes plásticas”, Casa de la Cultura de Romerillo, Havana.
Fall 2006 - Group Exhibit “Pintores de Playa”, Julio A. Mella Library, Instituto Politécnico, Mártires de Girón.
2007-2009 Group Exhibit, Contemporary Cuban Artist, permanent collection “Fundación Módena por Cuba in Módena, Italia.
August, 2007 Group Exhibit, “Encuentro Comunitario de las Artes Plásticas” Casa de la Cultura Romerillo, Cuba
June 2008 - Group Exhibit “Espejos de mis Décimas”, homenaje al Indio Naborí, Museo Municipal de Playa.
Nov. 2008 - Group Exhibit “Dujo 2008”, Museo Municipal de Playa, Cuba
June 2009 - Group Exhibit “Imágenes de mis Décimas”, Museo Municipal de Playa, Cuba
August 2009 – Solo Exhibit “Algo de mí”, Museo Municipal de Playa, Cuba
October 2009 - Group Exhibit de pequeño formato “Dujo 2009”, Museo Municipal de Playa.
May 2010 - Group Exhibit “Variaciones abstractas”, Taller de Serigrafía “Rene Portocarrero”
June 2010 – Group Exhibit “Imágenes de mis décimas” an homage to María del Carmen
Prieto, Cuban country Singer, Museo Municipal de Playa.